Paleo Dream Bars

paleo dream bars

I have a pretty major sweet tooth. My just hope is to throw away all sweets, which I exercise periodically. Only that leaves me with an empty, hopeless feeling. Life is blah without sweets. Lately, I've been trying to stock upwardly on some homemade "healthy" sweets then I don't feel so guilty and I don't become that sugar headache later in the solar day. My neighbor introduced me to Paleo last year and it has been such an eye opener. The paleo diet is based on the idea that nosotros are healthier—both mentally and physically—when we mimic the diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. I already feed my family whole foods most of the time, but reading and learning near "clean eating" has fabricated me realize that nosotros still eat also much processed nutrient. There are many foods on the "no" listing in the paleo diet, the major ones beingness dairy, grains and added sugar. Although that last one is a challenge when baking, you are allowed to utilise natural sweeteners (like agave + maple syrup) in small doses. I say hallelujah to that!

I began my enquiry where I always begin my research…Pinterest! I gathered about three or four recipes and started to experiment. Let me exist absolutely clear, I am not a professional or certified anything when it comes to cooking. I'm non bad, I'm merely fine. However, my children have these incredibly adult palettes whereby they tin can detect whatsoever hint of healthy. They can actually gustatory modality a ground upward piece of flax seed, which is actually very abrasive. So my measuring stick of success was one, or all (as if), of my 3 kids eating these confined and liking them. Finally, after much trial and error, I present to y'all the final recipe:

Paleo Dream Bars

  1. 12 medjool pitted dates
  2. 3 tablespoons absurdity
  3. 1/3 cup coconut oil
  4. 1/4 cup maple syrup
  5. 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  6. 1 egg
  7. one/2 cup almonds
  8. ane/iv cup walnuts
  9. 2 tblspns seeds (I used pepitas)
  10. one/2 cup pecans
  11. 1/2 loving cup oats (ok, this is not paleo so don't freak…will explain below)
  12. 1 tablespoon coconut crystals
  13. ii tablespoons ground flax seeds (or one package)
  14. 3 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut
  15. 1/2 teaspooon salt
  16. chopped night chocolate / well-nigh 33-50g which is 1/3 to 1/2 a bar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put the dates in a small bowl and cascade in some boiling water until the dates are just covered. Let the dates sit for 15 minutes. Side by side, melt the coconut oil in a pan over low heat. It won't accept long to melt and so keep your eye on information technology and have it off the heat the minute information technology'south melted. Put aside to absurd while preparing the dry ingredients.

Place the basics, seed and oats into a cuisinart, grinding until it resembles more of a nut repast. My kids don't similar to detect any crunchy basics, therefore I grind them pretty fine. (For me, I like to put the pecans in at the end and so they are still chunky because I honey the flavor, only you can do whatsoever suits you.) A note about the oats: Oats are a grain and then they are non paleo, but since my objective with these treats is to eliminate saccharide, I keep the oats. You can replace the 1/2 cup oats with i/4 cup coconut flour, and so add in some other i/4 cut of basics (y'all may demand to use a smaller baking pan, too). Transfer the nut mixture to a medium bowl, adding the next four dry ingredients and stirring until combined.

After soaking the dates for 15 minutes, drain the water and and then put them in the cuisinart with the applesauce. Pulse until the dates are well chopped (no large chunks). In a small bowl, add the cooled coconut oil, date mixture, maple syrup, vanilla and egg and stir until combined. Pour the wet ingredients into the medium bowl of dry out ingredients and stir. Now for the final ingredient which, in my mind, is the most important …chocolate! A discussion about chocolate and paleo: I accept searched and read umpteen paleo cooking sites, and almost all of them use chocolate. However, information technology must be dark chocolate and about 75-85% cocao. I use Dark-green & Black'south organic night which is 85% cacao. Chop chocolate and stir into batter.

Pour concoction into a greased 8 x xi glass blistering dish. Bake for 25 minutes or until the edges beginning to plough golden. Remove from oven and allow to cool for at least 2 hours until you cutting and eat. These confined are definitely much amend when they are room temperature (making them fifty-fifty more than delicious the next mean solar day!).

I promise you try making these bars, they really are very yummy. Lots of ingredients only once you become the hang of information technology, it goes quickly. My husband loves them (he's like a kid so that's a feat), and my daughter loves them so much that she brought one to school to share with her friend. No wonder she's my favorite child!

Accept a beautiful weekend!

xo Bar

Tip: You can find all of these ingredients at Whole Foods, and some at Trader Joe's. But you can also social club online at The Green PolkaDot Box, a "clean" non-GMO ownership collective.


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