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Rabbit Symbolism & Meaning

Rabbit Symbolism and Meaning conjures images of a lucky, armada footed trickster.

Do you need aid hatching a plan? Are others trying to accept advantage of yous? Is it determination making time, and you lot don't know whether to zig or to zag? Rabbit, as a Spirit, Totem, and Ability Fauna, can help! Rabbit teaches y'all how to stop, look, and heed so you tin avoid difficulties. Delve deeply in Rabbit symbolism and meaning to find out how this Creature Spirit Guide can withal, calm, and illuminate yous.

Rabbit Table of Contents

  • Rabbit Symbolism & Meaning
  • Rabbit Spirit Animate being
  • Rabbit Totem Animal
  • Rabbit Ability Animal
  • Native American Rabbit Symbolic Meanings
  • Christianity Rabbit Symbolism
  • Celtic Rabbit Symbolism
  • Rabbit Dreams
  • Rabbit in Astrology & Zodiac Signs
  • Rabbit Far East Symbolism
  • Rabbit Tattoo Meaning
  • Rabbit Spiritual Meaning
  • Dorsum to all Mammals
  • Dorsum to all Spirit Animal Meanings

Rabbit Symbolism & Meaning

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The Rabbit archetype is anything merely a "fuzzy bunny" lightweight in the world of Beast Symbolism. In many myths and legends, Rabbits act every bit guides between Heaven, the Earth, and The Underworld. They're a potent emblem of Shamanic journeys and may even be called upon to monitor those rituals. In fact, when viewing the Rabbit's physical attributes, the creature comes to stand for a prayerful life every bit information technology puts its paws in prayer position each time they launder their faces.

In the World Plane Rabbit is a sound navigator, having perceptions that pilot him through the darkness. Because of this, Rabbit represents Sensitives and Seers and their psychic powers. It as well symbolizes those moments in life when nosotros must hop to or in unfamiliar surroundings, using your inner light for direction.

Rabbits are creatures of the Earth, living close to the ground where they can easily hide. The meaning hither can be twofold–either you need camouflage, or you lot've become nether-recognized among peers.

Rabbits are Tricksters because they know their enemy and remain enlightened of their adversary's movements to outwit them. When chased, Rabbits are not predictable in their movements–rather, they nothing and zag, which aids in an escape. If their unpredictable movement doesn't work, then Rabbit (or Hare), like a skilled shapeshifter, disappears as it blends into the environment via camouflage. Otherwise, Rabbit slips into a small hideaway for a tidy retreat. So, the cunning critter has the additional symbolism of directional awareness, cleverness, planning, and keen senses.

Rabbit Spirit Beast

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When Rabbit leaps into your life as a Spirit Creature, it's fourth dimension to end, look, and listen equally you've never listened before. Rabbits often appear to those who are being "hunted." Is there danger itinerant at your job, in your home, or within? If so, now is the time to nurture your instincts, especially those that assistance in survival.

Do you need to be a piddling less predictable? Or is it time to stay in perfect stillness, thus allowing a would-exist predatory person to find something else to distract their attending? Rabbit encourages you to tune into your instincts. It gives you lot time to get out of or abroad from a state of affairs where you can and then detect a haven until the threat to your emotional well-being ends.

When your life situation leaves you feeling cornered, Rabbit, every bit an Fauna Spirit Guide, knows full well how to help get you out of a fix. In the wild, Rabbits are terrific planners and escape artists. They create small caves open at both ends. Role of Rabbit'due south Medicine involves learning the importance of always leaving yourself an "open up door."

When Rabbit appears, it may exist to permit you know that personal transformation is necessary or most to happen. While Rabbit has survived for centuries, they are some of the biggest "victims" of the brute kingdom. Have you adopted the role of "victim"? Practice you feel others have reward of you? If and so, it's fourth dimension to cease. You tin only be a victim if you allow it. Rabbits are some of the almost clever critters on the planet. Rabbit says, "Trust your smarts! Know that yous're are worthy of respect!"

If y'all desire to commencement a family or become part of a pre-established family, Rabbit, equally a Spirit Animal, arrives to tell you, Hop to information technology! Rabbit will appear to people with a strong sense of hearth and home who want to have large families. In this setting, Rabbit assists with constructive family planning, so yous avoid overextending yourself physically, emotionally, or financially. The animate being's mantras are "Await before you leap," and "Keep one human foot grounded in reality."

Finally, if you see a Rabbit cantankerous your path, question its direction. Was information technology heading to the left, symbolizing the Feminine and Lunar Energies, or was the creature hopping to the correct, signifying the Masculine and Solar Energies? Was Rabbit heading Northward, South, East, or West? The symbolism of the Iv Primal Directions gives you more than insight into Rabbit's pregnant when it appears in your life.

Rabbit Totem Animal

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People with Rabbit Totems are spontaneous and the life of the political party. Rabbits love practiced fun and frolicking, and so those who come across yous will find no wallflower! You dearest the feeling you get when things are moving fast; it gives you a rush of adrenaline, which heightens your awareness, gets your blood pumping, and brings a blush to your cheeks!

With Rabbit as a Nascence Totem, you lot have a quick wit and apply your creative skills for innovative problem-solving. Rabbit Energy challenges your reflexes and supports you in tapping into your psychic skills. Therefore, you accept a deep sense of knowing what management to take to ensure progress in your life and your spiritual path.

Carrying a Rabbit Totem carving is an World-and-Animal-friendly alternative to a Rabbit's pes for a little whimsical serendipity. Y'all may have to have a jump, hop, or skip of faith to see information technology manifest, just Rabbit volition not enquire you to do so without crusade. Don't let fear block opportunity.

Rabbit Power Animal

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Equally a Power Brute, Rabbit works wonders for those who have chosen a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. As a vegetarian, the Rabbit Spirit gives y'all energetic back up when seeking a balance in what you consume for your greatest well-being.

The phrase, "Breeding like Rabbits," stems from the animal's remarkable fertility. Invoke Rabbit as a Ability Beast when you want more abundance in your life; this can translate into various fertility types from the successful growth of a glorious garden to fiscal affluence or fifty-fifty to the start of a family unit.

If you want to commune with the Godhead for life guidance, phone call on Rabbit every bit a Power Animal for assistance! Let your Ability Animal teach you the magic of silence. Information technology is but when yous quiet what Buddhists call "the Monkey Listen," or the endless chatter of your conscious thoughts, that the Divine can go a discussion in edgewise.

When you are uncertain nigh steps to take when pursuing your career or making a determination, call on your Power Animate being, the Rabbit, for some help with direction. Rabbit reacts fast, relying on instinct to choose what direction to get in, and the fauna wastes no time when hopping on an opportunity. The Beast's energetic signature will help you in trusting your inner voice, with eyeing opportunities, and with knowing when to remain however or make a movement.

Native American Rabbit Symbolic Meanings

Native American lore portrays Rabbit as an ingenious and oftentimes humorous Trickster. Known as Manabozho, or Great Hare, this character shows up in many legends, sometimes with the additional symbolism of a hero. Some stories relate that the Peachy Hare created the world, brought humans Burn, and even taught Shamans how to enact sacred rites. The Hare Spirit is a good Animal Ally when learning ritual forms.

An additional association with Rabbit is that of a "fear caller." Lore suggests when Rabbit fears something, it calls out to that thing until noticed. In nature, Rabbit lives in fear. Hither, the Native American lesson is that calling to whatever frightens you or focusing on it tin can foster manifestation of that very matter in your life.

To the Aztecs, Rabbit was considered a symbol of hedonism and immoderacy. The Rabbit is associated with the alcoholic drink called pulque.

The Shawnee and Hopi have Rabbit Clans. One of the almost significant practices of these Clans is the Rabbit Dance.

Various myths and stories tell of Rabbit existence lazy, cunning and wily.

Christianity Rabbit Symbolism

In the Christian conventionalities organization, the association with Rabbit is more than secular every bit a symbol that came to exist associated with Easter. This is not a direct outcome of the observations of Jesus Christ, only of afterwards transmogrification between Pagan and Christian cultures.

To some, the connection between Jesus and Rabbit can stem from the Rabbit living underground, similar to Jesus'south time spent in an cloak-and-dagger tomb.

They are associated with rebirth and fertility and the association with resurrection as well connects Rabbit with Christianity. Some accounts of early Christian cults describe a connection between Rabbit and the Virgin Mary too.

Rabbit is not mentioned in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, Rabbit is incorrectly labelled as a "ruminant" and therefore considered unclean. Though in more contempo factions of Christianity, Rabbit is associated with purity, innocence and gentleness and therefore associated with Christ or being Christ-similar. In other or perchance before aspects of the Abrahamic religions, Rabbit was more likely associated with trickery and being unclean or not to be trusted.

Though Rabbit Spiritual Meaning is frequently positive, signifying growth, abundance, wealth, fertility and rebirth, in some traditions, Rabbit also connotes subversiveness. Historians notation this link when exploring the origins of the Lucky Rabbit's Foot. How in the world did carrying the foot of a Rabbit become symbolic of luck?

As it is traced to a tradition of angle the rules of trade (and in doing so, using the cunning and intelligence of sneaky Rabbit Spirit Beast), using a Rabbit'southward Foot as a form of currency allowed people to become around the rules and restrictions of currency substitution.

Other references point to the association between Rabbit's Foot every bit a lucky token and a prolonged ritual in which all that is associated with "good" in Christian mythos is inverted. Thus, the connection between Rabbit and more specifically Rabbit's Foot and Witchcraft or Sorcery, may stem from this lore. According to sociology, it was said that a Rabbit'due south Foot had to be from the Rear Left side and prepared using a ritual in a graveyard under a Full Moon using one'south Left Hand.

It was common for those who persecuted Witches to presume that powerful ceremonies were based on an inversion of the power of Christian symbolism. So where Christ was seated at the "Right Hand" of God, it was considered then that the Left side was associated with evil and Satan.

This superstition carried downwardly to modern times in which recent generations of children were cruelly trained out of Left-Handedness because it was associated with evil. Then while the Bible says goose egg about Rabbit'south Human foot as a talisman or portent of Witchcraft, it was later facets of social norms and trends influenced by Christian doctrine but taken to an extreme, that led many to associate Rabbit and Rabbit's Foot with Witchcraft and Folk Magic.

When unpacked step past step, the connexion betwixt Rabbit and Moon is found in many cultures and was no doubt observed in many non-Christian societies. Crusaders and afterward Colonizers who lumped all that was non Christian into ane large box associated with the Devil and Black Magic, would no incertitude see this connection as sinister when it was not.

The Lunar connection associates Rabbit Spirit Animal and Feminine Power, something also considered suspect past patriarchal government who leaned on Christian dogma in order to requite credibility to their suspicions.

The connection betwixt the Left side, oft associated with intuition, magic and again, Feminine Energy, further creates a link in the listen of patriarchal authorities manipulating Christian dogma for their own agendas, between Rabbit and deceit.

Celtic Rabbit Symbolism

Celtic myths include tales about the Goddess Eostre, from where the word "Easter" originates. Eostre is a Moon Goddess with symbolic ties to the spring, fertility, and the reawakening of the Earth come springtime. Each Full Moon Eostre shapeshifts into a Hare.

Connection between Rabbit Spirit Animal and the Moon and Lunar Deities is established not but in Celtic but in other cultures equally well. Part of this connection stems from Rabbit'due south observed activity at dark. Though it is oftentimes said Rabbit is nocturnal, they are really Diurnal, meaning they adopt to graze in the early and tardily hours.

But they are also swift, creative and resourceful and volition adapt to avoid danger.

Because they alive in the Earth and couch into the ground, it is believed in Celtic cultures that Rabbit or Hare is continued to the Otherworld.

Though the Chocolate-brown Hare was introduced later by Romans, the Mountain Hare is native to Scotland and the Irish Hare native to Ireland. It is considered dire to harm a Rabbit in Celtic culture as they are considered both sacred and lucky.

This correlates to a myth of Oisin who intended to hunt a Hare. He shot the animal in the leg, wounding them. The Rabbit and so darted into a doorway in the ground. Oisin followed the Rabbit to discover a Maiden in its place, her leg wounded in the aforementioned spot.

The link betwixt Rabbit and shapeshifting is also well established in Celtic lore.

Druids would catch Rabbits and so let them loose, studying the way they abscond to safety as a form of divination. This is not surprising considering Rabbits are known for their seemingly erratic design of darting about.

A Rabbit's style of scurrying in a zig-zag pattern is intentional as it confuses and misleads predators giving chase.

When you're working with Rabbit Spirit Animal, you lot may be led in different directions. Are you lot following a decoy? Or do you demand to exist clever and confuse your antagonist by keeping others guessing and on their toes?

Your path may zig-zag as you follow your quest now also.

Thus, every bit Rabbit is a symbol of prophecy and divination, working with Rabbit Spirit Fauna may serve as a calling to follow your intuition.

In Celtic traditions, people relied on Rabbit for divinatory purposes. They would not merely read the patterns of Rabbit tracks and notice mating rituals to interpret Rabbit's actions as signs or omens; thus, Rabbit has the additional symbolism of prognostication.

Rabbit Dreams

Dreams of Rabbits portend abundance, sexuality, fertility, and luck. Dreams in which you play with Rabbits represent a full life with many children. Rabbit dreams usually portend a positive plow in fortunes.

White Rabbit may signify dear and skilful luck are on the horizon. Sexuality tin can likewise be office of the significance. Some come across the dreams of a Black Rabbit as an sick omen or sign of mistrust.

If the Rabbit in your dream bites or scratches yous, it's a head'southward up. You are ignoring an of import relationship in your life. If you continue doing and so, it volition lead to relationship difficulties.

Larn more than nearly Rabbit Spirit past reading What Do Rabbit Dreams Mean? on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

Rabbit in Astrology & Zodiac Signs

Rabbits are one of the twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are one of the luckiest Chinese Zodiac signs. According to Chinese Astrology, Rabbit People will live a long, peaceful life filled with beauty, beloved, and much prosperity.

Visit my sister website BuildingBeautifulSouls.com to larn all near the personality, traits and characteristics of those born in the Year of the Rabbit.

Rabbit Far Eastward Symbolism

What does Rabbit hateful in the Far Eastern cultures?

Bunny symbolism in Buddhist lore, like Celtic and some African and Native cultures, is associated with the Moon. To the Chinese, Bunny Spirit Animal is associated with luck and is known as the Jade Rabbit.

This stems from a Buddhist story of an Emperor disguised as Beggar, a common theme from Ancient Greece as well. In this myth, the Beggar asks for food from Rabbit, Monkey and Play tricks. Though Flim-flam and Monkey are able to chase and gather food for him, fish and fruit, Rabbit is merely able to assemble grass.

Knowing this is insufficient, Rabbit burns the grass and in doing so, offers himself equally a sacrifice. This cocky-cede symbolism shows Rabbit as a Divine archetype of willingness to requite of i's cocky. In this myth, Rabbit is rewarded for his sacrifice past existence given a special identify as Guardian on the Moon.

Rabbit Spirit Animal in the E is associated with hedonism, fertility, protection, Lunar energy and speed among other things.

Bunny symbolism tin can easily be found in Japan in art, decoration and on clothing including Kimonos.
Rabbit consumption is taboo to the Han people and consuming Rabbit was associated with children existence born with a birth status known as a cleft lip, or in the debasing description, "harelip."

Rabbit was used equally a prominent symbol in the abode of the Chinese Emperor, further fusing the connection betwixt Rabbit and skilful fortune, the Moon and longevity.

Rabbit Tattoo Meaning

The spiritual meaning of Rabbit may or may not have been taken into consideration when someone gets a Rabbit Tattoo.

A Rabbit Tattoo tin signify a love of these intelligent and highly social animal, or it can convey the wearer's interest in magic and spiritual growth. Yet for some with a Tattoo of a Bunny, Spirit Brute may be the last affair on their minds.

Rabbit meaning tin can be then varied because this creature is endeared by gild on and so many levels. They are associated with magic tricks and true magic. With protection and good luck. With cunning and inventiveness.

A Rabbit's meaning when depicted on a tattoo, may testify a love of whatsoever number of favorite drawing characters from Bugs Bunny to Roger Rabbit, or fictional characters like Fiver from the classic novel Watership Downwardly by Richard Adams.

Rabbit'due south meaning can also imply a docile nature or desire for good luck and affluence. When someone gets a Rabbit tattoo, they may exist delving deeper to connect with the spiritual realms but may likewise wait to pay homage to a dearest companion animal without giving as much consideration to more significant Bunny symbolism.

Still, if you have Bunny Spirit Creature or find Rabbit symbolism to recur in your life, you may want to memorialize your connectedness to this animate being through a Rabbit tattoo.

Rabbit Spiritual Meaning

The spiritual meaning of Rabbit is ofttimes associated with Lunar energy. From the Celtic traditions to the lore of African cultures, Rabbit is associated with the Moon.

In Africa, at that place are tales of the Rabbit's split lip being a penalization from the Moon as Rabbit had tried to requite the souvenir of immortality to humanity. In other stories, Rabbit is clearly a sign of positivity.

The symbolic connection between Rabbit Spirit Animal and magic can besides exist seen in the frequent apply of Rabbit in cultural portrayals of stage magic. Magicians who pull Rabbits out of hats or make them disappear may not be practitioners of Ceremonial High Magic, but nonetheless, the image in the collective consciousness connects Rabbit with the process of transformation.

Is at that place a miracle yous need to create from thin air? The spiritual meaning of Rabbit may be reminding you lot to use your intelligence and creativity to manifest and bring along what you need, even if it seems unlikely or amazing.

Bunny Spirit Animal tin can be a harbinger of rebirth, a new cycle or phase may be on the horizon for you. Y'all may also take the take a chance to dilate your abundance or encounter some lucky opportunity to grow.

For farther spiritual meaning, look to the many cultural icons featuring Rabbit symbolism. One in item is the White Rabbit of Lewis Carroll'due south famous work, Alice in Wonderland. The term "Downwards the Rabbit hole" has come to be synonymous with taking an inner journey that can accident your listen.

Jefferson Aeroplane reiterated this association in their vocal White Rabbit. Simply as the psychedelic vibe suggests, exploring the outer reaches of your psyche and journeying deep into inner worlds in which you can come across the baroque or unusual, as Alice did when she stumbled downward the Rabbit Hole. Ironically, this story bears some similarity to the innocent Persephone being fatigued into a subterranean world while picking flowers, though Wonderland is not specifically the Underworld, there are parallels between Alice and Persephone and their journeys.

When Rabbit appears, y'all may be stumbling into a new globe in which y'all need to continue your mind open and stay alert, every bit Rabbit would.

Though Rabbit symbolism, equally a mark of fertility and abundance, goes far beyond the conventional ideas of money or pregnancy. Perhaps you volition win the lottery or have a family unit. Just y'all may besides come to acquire greater resource of diverse kinds. Someone may gift you with resources worth value, for instance. You may come to adopt a new cat, thereby expanding your family, rather than specifically giving birth and experiencing fertility that way. Or your business or career may expand in a positive way, yet another example of the symbolism of Rabbit every bit a marking of affluence.

In fact, in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, the Queen of Pentacles is depicted with a Rabbit at her feet. The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes the Earth element, as does the Rabbit. This is as well a card of wealth- again symbolically or literally- and practicality.

Keeping your wits almost y'all and remaining grounded can lead you to abound in your business, career or financial life. This is one of many ways to interpret the Queen of Pentacles card and Rabbit's portrayal reinforces the intellectual and witty nature of the bulletin that is otherwise rooted in practicality and earthiness.

Rabbit Symbolic Meanings Central

  • Fertility
  • Affluence
  • Stillness
  • Unpredictability
  • Divination, Signs, & Omens
  • Survival Instincts
  • Psychic Senses
  • Shapeshifting
  • Speedy Action
  • Wit